I just finished a month-long internship at Cal State LA’s Special Archives and Collections where I collected and entered metadata for, and scanned a collection of late 19th and early 20th century designer bookplates – those things that say ex libris that people used to paste inside books they owned. I wrote about a bookplate […]
Category Archives: Writing
My article on S.G. Pandit in the Lummis Day Magazine
I wrote an article about Sakharam Ganesh Pandit, a lawyer, orator, and professor based in Highland Park in the first half of the 20th century for “Out West,” the magazine for Lummis Day. It’s out now. You can find copies all around Northeast Los Angeles. If you would like a digital copy of the article […]
Back to Writing
I wrote a new post for the literary website The Nervous Breakdown for the first time in over half a year. If you would like to read about me taking the bus to the library, please click HERE.
My Interview with Dustin Yellin
Here is a video interview I did with artist, Dustin Yellin, for ArtObserved. His show ‘Dust in The Brain Attic’ opens tomorrow at Robert Miller Gallery, New York, and if you are in New York it is not to be missed! (April 23, 2009, 6pm – 8pm, 524 West 26th Street, New York, NY)
Plate Show
This weekend I was a guest on Shawn Honnick’s Plate Show, a radio show about “life, vanity plates, and the meanings behind them.” It happened super last minute so I didn’t have time to post it beforehand but click HERE to listen to a recording of the show.
I Release My Official Response to George Gurley’s New York Observer Article About Me from My Loftbed Headquarters
Today’s issue of The New York Observer ran an article about me by George Gurley titled “Who’s That Girl? It’s Rebecca Schiffman!” Maybe I’ve been out of school too long because lately I’ve had the urge to write letters to Harper’s Magazine responding to various articles. Once I begin the effort, however, I quickly become […]
I have written a new post on TNB about songwriting. Please check it out here: https://www.thenervousbreakdown.com/rebecca_schiffman/2008/03/some-thoughts-o.html
If you enjoy reading please check out my newest entry on the creative non-fiction website The Nervous Breakdown.
I have been added as an official contributor to The Nervous Breakdown, a creative non-fiction blog founded by Brad Listi, author of Attention.Deficit.Disorder.My introductory entry has just gone up and should be at or near the top of the page. Please check out the site when you have a chance – there are over 70 […]
My zine, The U.E.S. Journal is back in stock at St. Mark’s Bookshop! 31 Third Avenue (just around the corner on Stuyvesant Square which is a little street between St. Mark’s Place and 9th Street.) New York, NY 10003 Tel: 212-260-7853
My zine The U.E.S. Journal is now on the web- all the content is there from the printed version plus lots of new stuff. www.uesjournal.com